
Mở khóa cuộc sống mơ ước của bạn tại Úc: Khám phá con đường đề cử của tiểu bang để có được thường trú nhân!

Ready to build a future in Australia? Skilled migration offers a fantastic path to permanent residency, and state nomination can streamline the process. However, navigating the different state programs can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry, AMES Group is here to guide you! This blog unveils the secrets to conquering the Australian state nomination landscape. With clear […]

Bản thảo sau: Điều kiện cơ bản để xin thị thực 485 tại Úc

Understanding the Basics of a 485 Visa The Temporary Graduate Visa (subclass 485) is a popular choice for international students who have completed their studies in Australia. This visa allows graduates to stay and work in the country for a specified period. However, meeting the basic eligibility criteria is the first step to obtaining this […]

Khiếu nại Quyết định Visa 500 với AAT tại Úc: Hướng dẫn Toàn diện

This blog aims to provide a comprehensive guide for individuals appealing a visa 500 decision with the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) in Australia. It will cover the following aspects: Introduction: What is the AAT and how does the appeals process work? The Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) is an independent body that reviews decisions made by […]

Mở khóa sự nghiệp của bạn: Hướng dẫn để thường trú tại Úc

Are you dreaming of making Australia your permanent home? Navigating the process can seem daunting, but with the right steps and guidance, you can turn your dream into reality. Here are the three crucial steps to obtaining permanent residency in Australia: Step 1: Skill Assessment with VETASSESS The first step on your journey to Australian […]

Học ở Down Under vào năm 2024? Hướng dẫn xin thị thực du học Úc

Thinking about studying in Australia in 2024? This blog post is your one-stop guide to the latest student visa changes and helpful tips for a successful application. Key Changes for Student and Postgraduate Visas (Effective March 23rd, 2024): New Genuine Student Requirement: Gone are the days of the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) statement. Now, you’ll answer […]

Kỹ sư điều hướng Úc: Hướng dẫn dành cho kỹ sư ở nước ngoài

Introduction: Welcome to Engineers Australia! If you’re an overseas engineer looking to validate your career and expertise with Engineers Australia, you’ve come to the right place. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process step by step, from understanding the purpose of validation to gathering the necessary documentation for assessment.   Understanding the […]

Xác nhận bằng cấp kinh tế của bạn tại Úc: Hướng dẫn đầy đủ để trở thành “Nhà kinh tế người Úc”

Dreaming of Down Under as an economist? Passionate about economic analysis and contributing to the Australian economy? Then validating your economics degree in Australia is the first step to becoming an Economist Aussie! Why Australia? Australia offers a vibrant job market for economists, with opportunities in various sectors like government, banking, finance, consulting, and academia. […]
