Ikasketak hezkuntza-zentro onenetan
Gurekin hezkuntza-prestakuntzaren esperientzia paregabea bizitzeko modu erraz bat aurkituko duzu.Ikasleen bisa eskaerak eta beste migrazio gaietan laguntzen dugu. Informazioa eskaintzen dizugu eta Australiako ikasketa eta ikastaro onenak aukeratzen laguntzen dizugu. Australian zure bizitzari etekinik handiena ateratzeko aholkuak partekatzen ditugu eta urrats guztietan laguntzeko.
Ames Taldean, nahiak lorpen bihurtzen ditugu, hezkuntza globalaren ametsak errealitate bizi bihurtuz. Ikasleak ahaldunduz, adituz gidatzen ditugu nazioarteko ikasketa esperientzia aberasgarri bati ekiteko, nahiago duten helmugan. Bat egin gurekin hezkuntzak mugarik ezagutzen ez duen bidaia batean, eta arrakasta mundu mailan bilakatzen den.
World-Class Education, Global Opportunities
Discover Down Under: Experience the stunning landscapes, friendly culture, and world-class education of Australia. From the vibrant cities to the pristine beaches, this diverse country offers unforgettable experiences for international students.
Zelanda Berria
Embrace the Kiwi Lifestyle: Immerse yourself in the natural beauty, friendly locals, and high-quality education of New Zealand. Explore the stunning fjords, mountains, and beaches while gaining valuable academic qualifications.
Explore the Great White North: Discover the multiculturalism, breathtaking landscapes, and affordable education of Canada. From the bustling cities to the serene wilderness, this country offers a welcoming environment for international students.
Experience La Vie en Rose: Immerse yourself in the rich history, culture, and language of France. Study in world-class universities and explore iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.
Embrace the Emerald Isle: Experience the friendly culture, breathtaking landscapes, and affordable education of Ireland. Explore the ancient castles, rolling hills, and vibrant cities while gaining valuable academic qualifications.
Erresuma Batua
Study in the Heart of Europe: Discover the rich history, cultural diversity, and world-class education of the United Kingdom. From the ancient universities of Oxford and Cambridge to the vibrant cities of London and Edinburgh, this country offers unforgettable experiences for international students.
Arabiar Emirerri Batuak
Discover a Global Hub: Experience the multiculturalism, modern infrastructure, and thriving business environment of the United Arab Emirates. Study in world-class universities and explore the stunning cities of Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and more.
Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Pursue Your American Dream: Experience the diversity, innovation, and academic excellence of the United States. From the bustling cities to the picturesque countryside, this country offers countless opportunities for international students.
Discover the Passion of Spain: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture, delicious cuisine, and affordable education of Spain. Explore the ancient cities, stunning beaches, and world-famous landmarks while learning the Spanish language.
Your Land Down Under Awaits
Take advantage of Australia’s flexible visa options that allow you to work part-time while studying, gaining valuable work experience. After completing your studies, you may be eligible for a post-study work visa, allowing you to stay in Australia and further develop your career.
Horietako bakoitzaren eskakizunak eta mailak ezagutzea
Goi-mailako hezkuntza
Lanbide Heziketa eta Heziketa (LH)
Immigrazioa eta
Immigrazio aholkulari fidagarri baten bila zabiltza?
Jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan. Bilatzen ari zarena aurkitzen lagunduko dizugu. Baliteke erantzuna hemen aurkituko duzuela. Aurreztu denbora gurekin harremanetan jarriz gaur.