通往澳大利亚之路:在 IHM 攻读护理硕士学位

Are you an overseas nurse with dreams of furthering your education and career in a dynamic international setting? Australia might be the perfect destination for you. With its world-class education system, diverse culture, and strong demand for healthcare professionals, pursuing a Master of Nursing in Australia can open doors to exciting opportunities. In this blog, […]
在澳大利亚学习护理课程时遇到的 10 个问题

It might be nerve-wracking to put yourself out there and make a decision on a study program that could keep you occupied for the next several years. It is one of the most significant choices that one must make in their lifetime and requires a considerable amount of dedication. For those of you who are […]

成为注册护士需要特定的教育途径并满足某些要求。注册护士在各种医疗环境中为患者提供护理和支持方面发挥着至关重要的作用。以下是如何成为澳大利亚注册护士的分步指南:教育和先决条件:要成为注册护士,您需要学习 […]

Why is important to choose an immigration agency when we are looking to immigrate to Australia? Choosing an immigration agency can be important when looking to immigrate to Australia for several reasons: Knowledge and expertise: Immigration agencies have knowledge and expertise in the immigration process, rules, and regulations of Australia. They can guide you through […]

Australia is a great country to live in if you want to become a permanent resident. There are many courses available that will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a resident. Some of the most popular courses are listed below. Courses in Australia for Teachers to get a permanent residence Teacher Training […]

Skill (109,900 places) – this stream is designed to improve the productive capacity of the economy and fill skill shortages in the labour market, including those in regional Australia. Family (50,000 places) – this stream is predominantly made up of Partner visas, enabling Australians to reunite with family members from overseas and provide them with pathways to […]
为什么选择 Amesgroup?

Australian Management and Educational Services Group (AMES Group) offers a wide range of services to its clientele and has been in the business since 2007. We provide education services to international students. We help them reach their desire to develop their skills by having quality education in Australia. We also cater to skilled professionals who […]
Steps 学生签证子类 500

Australia offers premiere education for students and welcomes international students to study and live in the country. Students around the world are drawn to Australia because of the quality of education it provides and because of the distinctively Aussie lifestyle that everyone wants to experience. Combining learning with cultural exploration is a sweet combination that […]

There are several courses that hone students to learn the skills in demand in Australia. This article will explain three courses that has high potential for a pathway to permanent residency in Australia. These three courses are commercial cookery, nursing and early childhood and care. Commercial Cookery There has been a been a huge call […]

One of the paths to residency is to move to rural Australia, some of these cities offer state sponsorship this sponsor give you a provisional visa for skilled migrants that allows you to live, study and work in their area for up to five years. Regional and low population growth metropolitan areas State Areas Postcode […]