
More time to Work!

Relaxation of Working Hours for Student Visa Holders

International students come to Australia to receive world class education. More than that, students come to experience the culture in the land Down-Under. However, the student visa grant limits the working time of students to 40 hours a fortnight.

When COVID-19 pandemic hits, the government has rethought of this limitation and has eased this restriction. International students can now enjoy longer working hours – that is more than 40 hours a fortnight. It is good to note, however, that this relaxation of rule is applicable to certain industries only. 

Industries in the flexible work hours​

 If you are a student, you are allowed to work for more than 40 hours a fortnight if connected to the following industries:

  1. Aged care approved provider or Commonwealth-funded agedcare service provider (students working here through recruitmentagency is included)
  2. Registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)provider (students working here through recruitment agency isincluded)
  3. Supporting the health effort against COVID-19 (for health carestudents)
  4. Agriculture sector
  5. Tourism and hospitality sector
  6. Supermarket, or associated distribution facility, located in anarea impacted by COVID-10 lockdown restrictions for the duration of the lockdown.


The students are to manage their studies and work effectively with the given flexibility in the work hours. Students are to continue their enrolled course, attend classes and pass the course satisfactorily. Failing to do the commitments as a student will be a breach to the student visa conditions.

Covid-19 Pandemic Visa​

Students who have finished their course and are working in the mentioned critical sectors or have been offered to work in one of the stated sectors are eligible for COVID-19 Pandemic visa. The student can apply for this visa 90 days before the expiration of the student visa. He or she must only have evidence of employment or offer of employment and that an Australian citizen or permanent resident cannot fill the position.

Work longer, earn and learn better​

The flexibility to work longer for international students is a welcomed news. It gives much financial freedom, and more opportunity to experience the working culture of Australia. Although this relaxation of restrictions is limited to certain sectors, students can, nevertheless, enjoy this flexibility while finishing their courses in the land Down-Under.

For more information on student visa – the responsibilities as well as benefits that comes with it, talk to people who are expert in the field. 

AMES Group is an education, migration, accounting and taxation specialist and is open from 9:30am to 5pm at Sussex St. Sydney.


Temporary relaxation of working hours for student visa holders. (2021). Retrieved 18 November 2021, from

(2021). Retrieved 18 November 2021, from 

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