estudiantes medicina sonriendo camara

How to Become a Registered Nurse in Australia

estudiantes medicina sonriendo camara
Becoming a registered nurse requires a specific educational pathway and meeting certain requirements. Registered nurses play a crucial role in providing care and support to patients in various healthcare settings. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to become a registered nurse in Australia:

  1. Education and Prerequisites: To become a registered nurse, you need to study nursing at a university. Most universities require you to have completed your Senior Secondary Certificate of Education. Prerequisite subjects such as English, mathematics, biology, physics, and chemistry may be required. Some universities may also conduct interviews as part of the admission process. It’s important to check the specific prerequisites and entry requirements of the institutions you are interested in.

  2. Clinical Placements and Certifications: Nursing courses typically include clinical placements where students gain hands-on experience in healthcare settings. Before undertaking these placements, students usually need to obtain a National Police Certificate, a Provide First Aid Certificate, and complete necessary immunizations. Additionally, a Working with Children Check may be required. Each institution may have specific requirements, so it’s important to contact them for detailed information.

  3. Registration: After completing your nursing degree, it is a legal requirement to be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) before being able to practice as a nurse in any state or territory. Visit the NMBA website for full details on the registration process.

  4. Specializations and Further Education: Once registered, you have the opportunity to pursue further education and specialize in different areas of nursing. There are postgraduate nursing courses available in various clinical specialties such as medical-surgical, mental health, pediatric, emergency, critical care, palliative care, occupational health, and community nursing. Additionally, there are postgraduate courses in nursing management and education.

  5. Career Progression: With experience and further study, registered nurses may progress to roles such as unit manager or nursing manager. There is an increasing demand for nurses with training and experience in specialized areas due to the variety of specialist services and advancements in medical technology.

Specializations within the Registered Nurse Profession:

  • Clinical Nurse Specialist: Demonstrates competency in advanced practice or has developed competency in a specific area of specialization.
  • Community Health Nurse: Provides nursing care, health counseling, and health promotion activities to individuals, families, and groups in the wider community.
  • Mental Health Nurse: Provides nursing care and support to patients with psychological and emotional problems in various healthcare settings.
  • Nurse Educator: Assists in designing, implementing, and assessing education programs and provides staff development and educational resources management.
  • Nurse Practitioner: Highly skilled and knowledgeable in a specialty field, can work independently, prescribe medications, and conduct tests.
  • Nurse Researcher: Conducts research into nursing and health-related issues.
  • Practice Nurse: Conducts general treatments in general practice settings, including chronic disease management and health promotion.

Becoming a registered nurse requires dedication, compassion, and strong communication skills. It’s a rewarding profession with a wide range of career opportunities.

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Teachers are welcome to work in Australia

Australia is a great country to live in if you want to become a permanent resident. There are many courses available that will teach you everything you need to know about becoming a resident. Some of the most popular courses are listed below.

Courses in Australia for Teachers to get a permanent residence 

  • Teacher Training Package in Australia: This is a great course if you want to become a teacher in Australia. The course will teach you all the ins and outs of becoming a teacher in Australia. You will also learn about the teacher registration process and how to get a visa. The course is available online, so you can take it anywhere in the world.
  • Visa Training Package in Australia: If you want to become a resident visa holder in Australia, this is the course for you. The course will teach you everything you need to know about the residency visa process. You will learn about the types of visas available in Australia, the application process, and how to get a residency visa. The course is available online, so you can take it anywhere in the world. 
  • Australia Teacher Training Package: This is a great course if you want to become a teacher in Australia but do not have any teaching experience. The course will teach you all the basic skills you need to become a teacher in Australia. You will also learn about the teacher registration process and how to get a visa. The course is available online, so you can take it anywhere in the world.

Others Ways

If you’re a teacher looking to permanently reside in Australia, there are a few courses you can take to gain the relevant qualifications. One option is the Teacher Training Institute of Victoria’s (TTIV) overseas teacher qualification program. This program offers you the opportunity to study for a teaching qualification in Australia, and then use that qualification to work in a school here. TTIV says the qualification you need to qualify for their program is the National Registration of Teachers (NRT) Level 3 qualification. 

This qualification is available in many countries, and you can find more information about it on the TTIV website. Another option is to study for a graduate certificate in teaching from the University of Melbourne. 

This program offers you the opportunity to study for a teaching qualification from a world-leading institution, and then use that qualification to work in a school here. The University of Melbourne’s graduate certificate in teaching is available in a range of subjects, and you can find more information about it on their website. Either of these courses will give you the relevant knowledge and skills to work in a school in Australia as a teacher. And, if you complete the program and pass the relevant exams, you’ll be able to gain a permanent residence in Australia.

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Migration updates from Australia

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  • Skill (109,900 places) – this stream is designed to improve the productive capacity of the economy and fill skill shortages in the labour market, including those in regional Australia.
  • Family (50,000 places) – this stream is predominantly made up of Partner visas, enabling Australians to reunite with family members from overseas and provide them with pathways to citizenship.
    • From 2022-23, Partner visas will be granted on a demand driven basis to facilitate family reunification. This will help reduce the Partner visa pipeline and processing times for many applicants.
    • 40,500 Partner visas are estimated for 2022-23 for planning purposes, noting this estimate is not subject to a ceiling.
    • 3000 Child visas are estimated for 2022-23 for planning purposes, noting this category is demand driven and not subject to a ceiling.
  • Special Eligibility (100 places) – this stream covers visas for those in special circumstances, including permanent residents returning to Australia after a period overseas.

The Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs can redistribute places between Skill stream visa categories on an ongoing basis to respond to changing economic conditions as they occur.

More information:

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Why with Amesgroup?

Australian Management and Educational Services Group (AMES Group) offers a wide range of services to its clientele and has been in the business since 2007.  We provide education services to international students. We help them reach their desire to develop their skills by having quality education in Australia.  We also cater to skilled professionals who want to settle, migrate and experience the Aussie life. Moreover, we cater to businesses and individuals who need help in their accounting and taxation.

The core vision of the company is to help international students reach their dreams. We have qualified migration consultants and skilled education counsellors who are in the company for years. They mentor the students and professionals meticulously. We want the students to have an Australian education that enhances their skills and make them career-ready. We do this by ushering them to our partner universities and colleges that are known to provide quality training. After their studies, AMES Group guides the students for the right visa for their chosen pathway.

We are proud to say that, over the years of providing service, we have become a credible, dependable and affordable migration and education agency in Australia. The good word our satisfied clients gave us has reached interested students from the different parts of the world. We opened offices in the Philippines, Indonesia, Lebanon, Laos and Egypt to cater to the students’ concerns and to make their transactions easier. We are now opening branches in South America, Central America and across Europe because of the clients making inquiries from there.

The goal is to help people achieve their dreams and change their lives… for the better” – Sam

The founder and the heart of AMES Group, Ossama Abdellatif or Sam, leads a multicultural workforce with a vision to help people reach their desire to live a good life. He was an accountant in Egypt. He came to Australia and studied in a college to have his qualification recognized. With hard work, he was able to get his license to practice accountancy. But instead of creating a company solely for accounting and taxation, he decided to venture into helping international students achieve their dreams. Sam knows what it is like to dream and aspire for a good life, now that he has reached it, he wants to show the way.

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Steps Student Visa Subclass 500

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Australia offers premiere education for students and welcomes international students to study and live in the country. Students around the world are drawn to Australia because of the quality of education it provides and because of the distinctively Aussie lifestyle that everyone wants to experience. Combining learning with cultural exploration is a sweet combination that hone many international students in their professional development in Australia.

Before coming to Australia, a student must hold a valid student visa. There is a process to be followed before becoming a bona fide student. This article will show you the steps to having the student visa (subclass 500)

Student visa (subclass 500)

This student visa grants the holder permission to enter the country, live, work and study in Australia for the duration of course taken. This visa allows a student to work for a maximum of 40 hours a fortnight during the term and no limit on the number of hours work during term breaks. Students who are taking a master in research degree and students in the critical industries – including tourism and hospitality, have more work-hours flexibility.


To be eligible for Student Visa 500 the following requirements must be met:

The student has to be

  1. 6 years or older;
  2. Must prove to have welfare arrangement, if he or she is under 18;
  3. Should be enrolled in a course of study in Australia;
  4. Holds an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) or fall in one of the exemption categories;
  5. Meet health and character requirements
  6. Holds enough funds to sustain his or her stay in Australia

Process of getting Student Visa (Subclass 500)

  1. Decide what course to take and what school to attend.

The first step to studying in Australia will involve deciding what course to take and what school to attend to. There are several top notched schools and universities in Australia. You can choose to study vocational courses or bachelor’s degree or post graduate studies. It is an important consideration to enrol to a course that is in line with your previous studies or in line with past work experiences. Australia is more keen to approve student visa application if they can see that the course taken is relevant to the previous studies or work experience of the applicant. It is an indication to them that the student applicant is a genuine student. Australia is looking for genuine students to study in their country. A genuine student is someone who is planning to study in Australia with the intention of going back to their home country to work or set up business.

  1. Apply to an Australian education provider.

This can be done directly to the school or through an Australian education agent.

The application for enrolment for schools would involve several documents. It is wise to ready these for smooth transactions. The documents needed would usually involve the following:

  1. School certificates, transcript of records and other relevant school credentials. The documents must be in English or translated into English;
  2. Evidence of English language proficiency;
  3. Work certificates from current or previous employment (if needed).
  4. Other documents as requested by the school.

  1. Issuance of letter of offer.

Receiving a letter of offer signifies that the application of the student has been accepted in the program he or she applied to. The student signs the letter of offer if he or she agrees to the terms and conditions of the school.

  1. Issuance of COE.

This document verifies the student’s eligibility to enrol at the college or school and has agreed to the terms of the school. This document is a requirement for the visa application. The student needs to pay the tuition fee deposit or the amount the school requires the student to pay for the issuance of the Confirmation of enrolment (CoE)

  1. Apply online.

Create an ImmiAccount. This is an online portal where applicants will lodge their request for visa. This is a self-service tool that helps applicant submit requests, make payments and manage visa online. The website:

Have all the needed documents in digital format and submit it to this account. For student visa the documents needed are usually: Copy of CoE, copy of your passport, genuine temporary entrant (GTE) statement. Depending on what country are you lodging, you may also be asked to provide a copy of your birth certificate, bank statements to show that you can finance your studies in Australia; proof of previous employment, English proficiency (IELTS-test result).

  1. Pay the necessary Fees.

After completing the online application, the student will be asked to pay for the visa fees. Payment can be done online and this is the safest and fastest method. The visa application will be processed only after the correct payment of the fees.

After successfully lodging the application, the applicant will be given transaction reference number (TRN). The TRN can be used to manage the application or change details, used to identify the application if making a follow-up with the department for immigration and border protection.

  1. Health check-up or interview.

Health check-up may be given as a requirement depending on the circumstance of the applicant and on the country to which he or she is from. If the applicant will be studying and will be staying in Australia for more than 6 months, then he or she will be required to undergo medical check-up. Link on the list of countries:

  1. Wait for visa decision.

Processing time for student visa would usually take 8-16 months for vocational education and training sector. Processing times would vary depending on many circumstances.

  1. Travel to Australia.

Once the visa has been received, it is now time to book a ticket, travel to Australia and start the adventure.

Coming to Australia as a student is a wonderful experience. Getting the student visa should not be a cause for worry. Be guided by the steps laid above in getting the visa. Better yet, avail the service of expert student education agency for stress free transaction.

AMES Group has been in the student education services for more than 10 years. It has successfully helped several international students with their visa. For more information, check



Abroad, D., & Australia, S. (2021). Student visa to Australia – how to apply step by step [Article]. Retrieved 13 December 2021, from


Length of stay for Student visas. (2021). Retrieved 13 December 2021, from


Australia, I., Australia, I., & Australia, S. (2021). Student Visa Australia (Subclass 500) – Study & Migration In Australia | IDP Australia. Retrieved 13 December 2021, from


Student Arrivals, T., & Student Arrivals, T. (2021). Step-by-step guide to visa and entry requirements. Retrieved 13 December 2021, from

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Courses with pathway in Australia

a chef and students at a cookery class in a commer 2021 08 29 09 02 23 utc
  • There are several courses that hone students to learn the skills in demand in Australia. This article will explain three courses that has high potential for a pathway to permanent residency in Australia. These three courses are commercial cookery, nursing and early childhood and care.

Commercial Cookery

There has been a been a huge call for hospitality workers in Australia these days. As people are going out to dine, there are not enough chefs and cooks to meet the demand. Owners of restaurants were reliant on international chefs but there are less people coming in and a few qualified ones within Australia.

Commercial cookery then is a good course to study. Many opportunities will open to international students locally trained in this area. The need for chefs and cooks has been listed in the skilled occupation list for 2021.

The ideal courses you can enrol to start honing your skills are:  Cert III or Cert IV in Commercial Cookery and Diploma of Hospitality Management. It would usually take around 24 months to finish these courses together.


There is a shortage nurses globally and in Australia. This is true prior COVID-19 and all the more during the pandemic. A way of meeting this need is to increase the number of students studying nursing and employ them after graduation.

In Australia you can pursue Diploma in Nursing or Bachelors of Nursing. The diploma course can be finished within two years and this will produce enrolled nurses. These nurses provide for the care and monitoring of patients. They would usually work under the supervision of a registered nurse.

Bachelors of Nursing, on the other hand, would produce registered nurses. Taking this course would usually take 3 years. After getting this degree, the student can make application to the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) to practice as a Registered Nurse.

Both types of nurses are highly in demand in Australia.

Early Childhood Education and care

There is a strong and continuous need for qualified and skilled early childhood educators, and childhood workers in Australia.

There are different level of qualifications open to those who are interested in this skill. In order to become a child care worker or become a child care centre manager, the following courses can prepare one for it:

Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care

Certificate IV in School Age Education and Care

Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care

If one wants to pursue becoming an educator, then he or she has to study relevant bachelor qualification or higher.

Child care workers, child care centre manager and early childhood teachers are in the list of skillsets needed in Australia. Early childhood teachers and child care centre manager have opportunities for permanent residency.

Be wise in your studies

If the goal in coming to Australia is to upskill, become part of the workforce and live permanently, then it is wise to take courses that has good pathway potentials to achieving it.

To plan out your pathway, it is wise to talk to dependable education counsellor that has years of experience helping students find the right course for them.

AMES Group has over a decade of experience in education services. It has education counsellors who have years experience and who give quality care to their students.


Becoming a Registered Nurse – Becoming a nurse or midwife. (2021). Retrieved 25 November 2021, from

Dishwashers on $90 an hour as staff shortages smash hospitality sector. (2021). Retrieved 25 November 2021, from

Hub, S., & Insider, I. (2021). Enrolled Nurse vs. Registered Nurse: Who’s Who? – Retrieved 25 November 2021, from

Hub, S., & Insider, I. (2021). How to Become a Child Care Worker: 5 Things You Need to Know. Retrieved 25 November 2021, from

Skilled occupation list. (2021). Retrieved 25 November 2021, from

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A path to residence

One of the paths to residency is to move to rural Australia, some of these cities offer state sponsorship this sponsor give you a provisional visa for skilled migrants that allows you to live, study and work in their area for up to five years.

Regional and low population growth metropolitan areas




New South Wales

Everywhere except Sydney, Newcastle, the Central Coast and Wollongong

2311 to 2312, 2328 to 2411, 2420 to 2490, 2536 to 2551, 2575 to 2594, 2618 to 2739, 2787 to 2898

Northern Territory

Everywhere in the territory

All postcodes


Everywhere except the greater Brisbane area and the Gold Coast

4124 to 4125, 4133, 4211, 4270 to 4272, 4275, 4280, 4285, 4287, 4307 to 4499, 4515, 4517 to 4519, 4522 to 4899

South Australia

Everywhere in the state

All postcodes


Everywhere in the state

All postcodes


Everywhere except the Melbourne metropolitan area

3211 to 3334, 3340 to 3424, 3430 to 3649, 3658 to 3749, 3753, 3756, 3758, 3762, 3764, 3778 to 3781, 3783, 3797, 3799, 3810 to 3909, 3921 to 3925, 3945 to 3974, 3979, 3981 to 3996

Western Australia

Everywhere except Perth and surrounding areas

6041 to 6044, 6083 to 6084, 6121 to 6126, 6200 to 6799

More information:

Regionals Australia

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa - Subclass 491

Some states provide you with up to15 additional points to help you qualify for a subclass 491 visa under the Department of Home Affairs points test if you meet all state nomination requirements, such as:

  1. Residency Requirements 
  • State nomination is provided to meet the State’s skills needs
  • The applicant has a genuine interest and intention to live and work in the state
  • With your application, attach a letter indicating that you intend to live, study and work there with a view to long-term settlement.  
  • Check the Skilled Occupation List to see if your occupation is available to offshore applicants.

  • Submit a Registration of Interest (ROI) application
  1. Age 

You must be under age 45 at the time of nomination.  

  1. Occupation 

You must have an occupation on State Skilled Occupation List and meet the eligibility requirements. 



New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia
  1. Skills Assessment 

You must have a valid and positive General Skilled Migration skills assessment from the relevant authority. Skills assessments must be for your nominated occupation.

The skills assessments must have been issued within the last three years, and their assessment must be valid at the time of the nomination decision.   

  1. Work experience 
  • You must meet the work experience requirement listed for your occupation.
  • Skilled work experience must be undertaken post-course completion and is defined as a minimum of 20 hours per week or 40 hours per fortnight of paid employment in your nominated or closely related occupation
  • The position must be paid at the appropriate rate for the skill level.
  • The employer must have a demonstrable presence in the region or state.
  1. English

You must meet the minimum English language requirement listed for your occupation.


  1. Points

You must meet the minimum points requirement listed for your occupation (including state nomination points).

  1. Important Information

SkillSelect Expression of Interest (EOI)

  • You need an EOI that meets the Department of Home Affairs criteria and South Australia’s requirements.
  • Your details in your EOI must be the same as your online application. Any discrepancies will result in nomination refusal.
  1. Nomination

Read each state’s applicable terms and conditions and verify the requirements before applying for state nomination.

Meeting the minimum published requirements does not guarantee nomination.

Every state provides one nomination per applicant, per visa subclass, and per program year on a discretionary basis. 

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Study and work in Australia

If you’re interested in learning English in Australia, you’ve come to the right place. The country is one of the largest economies in the world and offers a high quality of life, making it an excellent location for English language courses. Australia has more than 1.000 different schools that offer English courses as a second language. Its teaching methodology and specialisation ensure the highest level of learning possible, because the students may combine the learned in class with the street experience.

Whether you’re looking to travel or work, studying English in Australia can be an exciting experience. The country has some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world, from savannas to the ocean. The climate is moderate and the winters are mild, making it ideal for a study abroad experience. The Australian community is welcoming and friendly, so you’re sure to make friends and learn another language because Australia has people from more than 250 countries in all territories. If you’re looking for a full-time job, you’ll find plenty of opportunities for full-time employment in Australia.

Australia offers a wide variety of programs to help you learn the language, from general English that is a conversational focus, academic ingles with their interest is studied in a high level or other like business, IELTS or Cambridge to travel around the world and immigrate purpose. You can take a variety of classes, from online to intensive courses, and find the perfect program to meet your needs. Many universities/schools in Australia offer discounts to students who decide to study in this marvellous country.

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Changes to the Temporary Graduate Visa (485)​

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The new visa settings for the Temporary Graduate Visa (485) will extend existing measures for students and temporary graduates to recognise time spent offshore studying online to count towards qualifying for a temporary graduate visa. In addition to that, those who have had the visa and were unable to travel to Australia as a result of COVID – 19 border restriction will be able to apply for a replacement visa with the same duration as their original visa.

Duration for the Temporary Graduate Visa for Masters by coursework graduates has been increased from two to three years, matching that of Masters by research graduates.

Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector graduates will also receive a two – year Temporary Graduate Visa. In addition to that, the requirement to nominate an occupation from the skills occupation list will also be removed in the future.

These changes to Temporary Graduate visa stay periods will be in effect from 1 December 2021, and the removal of skilled occupation list requirements from 1 July 2022.

For more information, read more on:

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